We are inspired by the ideals of JanuszKorczak: respect for the child and following their natural need to discover the world. If you know how to disgnose a child's joy (...), you have to see that the highest joy is brought by overcoming an obstacle, achieving an aim, unfolding a secret. In discovering the worls, a child needs a wise adult who acts as a mentor.
A natural upbringing stems from the belief that each childf has a potential and naturally seeks to develop it. A smart educator only needs to suport them in achieving that goal.
We do not think of mistakes, but occasions to learn. We do not think of a system of punishment, but of natural consequences of one's actions. We treat children with respect and likewise expect them to respect their surroundings: their friend, family, teachers, animals and natures; to live in harmony with them.
That is why it is important to follow the rules we make themselves as a group. In our preschool we have the right to make mistakes, burt we also elarn how to best treat one another so that each child feels well and safe at school.
Teaching methods: